5G: The Reckoning (II) (2023)
A triumph of bad decision making
30 January 2023
What if spooky technology? What then?

There's really nothing redeeming about this staggeringly hubristic exercise in having too much time and nothing to say. Stop writing.

Some of the actors tried their best with the material (Tahnee Langshaw, Reanna Cameron), and some were probably people located at a conveniently proximate bus terminal (dye-job aviators speed dealer guy, your acting was the true horror all along - but at least it wasn't offensively forgettable like everyone else).

The directing seems inspired by those Russian indie horror games, like Observation Duty. The camera work was pretty good, but incessant security feed style shots with bizarrely inexplicable green tinted NTSC scanline filter was frustrating.

The music was oddly good.

Anyway, please unmake this and reconsider your creative life choices.
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