Chained (2022)
Insipid & tiresome
26 March 2023
15 minutes in there's a scene of domestic violence soundtracked by the most generic Action Film Stock Music that, unless this is specifically meant to be a (misguided) Hero Moment, you can't help but feel the filmmakers have never actually seen a film before.

The whole thing is just so amateur and dull. There's one scene where the lighting changes dramatically between the 2 shots the scene cuts between - one is warm and orange and the other is cool and blue. Insanely distracting, even if it's an intentional artistic choice (which seems unlikely). Laura Wilson does well with the material she's been given but Matt Shaw's acting is just utterly bland to the point of being laughable since he's such a boring unimposing figure. It's all just a Bunch Of Stuff Happening without any audience engagement. Show Don't Tell ffs...the whole thing is just people talking and monologing...nothing even vaguely cinematic about it. Literally not a single piece of information is given visually. And the 'reveal', while it might work better in the hands of an actually skilled storyteller, is just male fantasy misogynistic garbage, especially in the current climate. It's a film that has absolutely nothing to say, and does so badly.

I get that this is a low-budget film, but none of the issues this film suffers from have anything to do with budget; it's all in the hubris of someone thinking they can write, direct and act yet seemingly not having any ability in any of those aspects. Tonally all over the place, no characterisation....just utterly bland, meaningless and forgettable.
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