Definitely one of the best political crime dramas we've ever witnessed!!
A bit of prolonged narrative, yet the screenplay assembles every string right into one place and delivers satisfiable amount of exciting & entertaining sequences throughout the runtime, And the entire setup for the main plot is wonderfully done... STR's character establishment and buildups by other actors throughout the first half stimulates the thrilling factor for audience!!
Furthermore, after the enthralling interval block the movie paces up in the second half and proceeds towards the main plot with uplifting conflict point!!
Simbu's Brother-Sister bond worked big time emotionally!!
And character progression among other lead roles is quite fascinating... Every production member that has involved gave their A-level contribution to the climax portion set!!
A bit of prolonged narrative, yet the screenplay assembles every string right into one place and delivers satisfiable amount of exciting & entertaining sequences throughout the runtime, And the entire setup for the main plot is wonderfully done... STR's character establishment and buildups by other actors throughout the first half stimulates the thrilling factor for audience!!
Furthermore, after the enthralling interval block the movie paces up in the second half and proceeds towards the main plot with uplifting conflict point!!
Simbu's Brother-Sister bond worked big time emotionally!!
And character progression among other lead roles is quite fascinating... Every production member that has involved gave their A-level contribution to the climax portion set!!