Worthy Effort despite low budget.
6 April 2023
This is first and foremost a religious movie with a low budget. I almost didn't watch this, but the poorly treated daughter gifted with the ability to see & interact with angles & demons kept me watching to the end. Even with a low budget, filming and special effects were well done. The musical score was also quite good. Character portrayal & acting ranged from average(5.5/10) to lack-luster(3.5/10). The teenage characters were at the top and 2 of the 3 angles at the bottom. Directing probably had a lot to do with this. Writing and dialogue seemed awkward and spotty at times but overall, not bad. If you're looking for a big budget Exorcist(1973) or End of Days(1999) film this ain't it. If it had a much bigger budget with better directing & acting, it could have been as good as "Stigmata 1999".
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