Review of Aillaendeu

Aillaendeu (2022– )
Captivating from the first moment! Definitely a must-see!
7 April 2023
I chose this series quite randomly, while scrolling through Prime Video's choices. I hadn's looked up on the cast, on the plot or on the reviews. I was just thinking that I'd like to see something different. From the very first episode I was taken aback by how well the visuals were and how astonishing the photography was! My first thought was also that this is probably inspired by anime or something relevant and found it even more intriguing. The main hero introduced himself quite astonishly! :) I remember clearly as now, muttering myself out loud "wow wow who was that?! That was so cool!!!! So, yes I got hooked on this show from the first moments of watching. The plot is so interesting, leaving me wanting more and getting curious for the sequence of the story. The cast was amazing! Truly talented and into their roles. Captivating landscapes, mesmerising visual effects! I have also seen other fantasy K-dramas and I think this was by far the most perfected in the cgi parts! Great work!! I watched this series within 3 days and left me wanting more! The ending left me with hopes of continuation. I really hope they will release a second season! It would be interesting to see the past of the heroes more detailed and also how the priest got his powers!
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