Precise lines, many white spaces, sensitive theme. And ambiguity used for provoke the viewer.
The subject seems very simple and , in essence, moving one - a young woman meets her biological parents. Her emotions, their enthusiasm, stories and photos. And the motif for the abandon of her.
The heavy tension.
And, the night.
A cult ? An eccentric comunity ? A cruel game ?
The end is powerful enough for not expect any explanations. So, not the subject is axis but the beautiful performances, especially Georgina Campbell. And, yes, the foxes.
A film about a family and its secrets And about an expected meeting very different by expectations.
The subject seems very simple and , in essence, moving one - a young woman meets her biological parents. Her emotions, their enthusiasm, stories and photos. And the motif for the abandon of her.
The heavy tension.
And, the night.
A cult ? An eccentric comunity ? A cruel game ?
The end is powerful enough for not expect any explanations. So, not the subject is axis but the beautiful performances, especially Georgina Campbell. And, yes, the foxes.
A film about a family and its secrets And about an expected meeting very different by expectations.