This is incorrectly listed on Prime/freevee as Ghost Ship (2002). Didn't actually watch it as obviously realised very quickly it was the wrong film. There's just nowhere to comment that it's listed wrong but here!
This seems to happen a lot on prime and the other prime channels. I spit on your grave is also listed as the remake when it's the original or the forge in versions of films listed as the English. Even the cast and "X-ray" is for the wrong films. It's a tad annoying especially when you go looking for a specific film and get something completely different. You'd think they'd check before listing at least.
This seems to happen a lot on prime and the other prime channels. I spit on your grave is also listed as the remake when it's the original or the forge in versions of films listed as the English. Even the cast and "X-ray" is for the wrong films. It's a tad annoying especially when you go looking for a specific film and get something completely different. You'd think they'd check before listing at least.