Review of No Traces

No Traces (2023– )
One for the rubbish bin
3 July 2023
Well, I got through the first episode of this bubbling cauldron of nonsense. Have you ever watched something and thought, I'm not going to like this? That's the feeling I had about fifteen minutes in but I stuck with it till the end of the episode.

I then decided to delete completely. It was meant to be (I assume) comedic and a crime caper. That's a genre I'm not into anyway, but this wasn't even funny, it was just irritating and stupid.

The actresses were directed to be screechy and buffoons. It just didn't work. And the hard crime mixed with the comedy was incongruous and dichotomous. Just one example, using a vacuum cleaner as a fake bazooka. Yep, good joke but not when one of the characters gets her face smashed in afterwards when the ruse is discovered. And not in the context of someone being stabbed at the same time.

Honestly, don't bother. This was just so dreadful.
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