If you don't have one of your own at home, and would like to watch a fabricated docu about a lazy man who does pretty much nothing (aside from go to the gym) complaining about how unbearable doing a jot of childcare is - here's your show!
Tyson uses his metal health condition as an excuse for everything, including - according to a recent interview - cheating on his long suffering wife with over 500 women.
Also these people are multimillionaires! Send your kids to private school instead of taking up 6 state paid places at comps!
Why is this guy being treated by a hero? Imagine if the genders were reversed..
Tyson uses his metal health condition as an excuse for everything, including - according to a recent interview - cheating on his long suffering wife with over 500 women.
Also these people are multimillionaires! Send your kids to private school instead of taking up 6 state paid places at comps!
Why is this guy being treated by a hero? Imagine if the genders were reversed..