Absolutely adore animation (something that most people know already) and have done as a child. Have always aimed to at least appreciate all kinds of humour, and have seen crude and gross out humour done well (the early seasons of 'Rick and Morty' for instances) and animated shows that broke boundaries and were ahead of their time (i.e. 'South Park'). Have though seen quite a number of bad and worse animated shows and too many instances of crude humour done terribly ('Breadwinners').
The lowest possible rating is a very rare rating for me these days, actually don't like giving it out, as somebody who tries to be as encouraging as possible and tries to see some good in the bad. Which has mostly not been an issue. There have been times where something is so awful to an offensive degree that it is impossible to do that. 'Almost Naked Animals' is one of those instances. Actually tried to see it when younger and hated it even then, back when this reviewer had a number of contrarian opinions, it's even worse through adult eyes.
First and foremost, the animation is at no time of appealing quality. There is no colour vibrancy, everything just looks flat and garish, editing is not tight enough and is often dizzying, the backgrounds lack imagination or smoothness, almost always looking static. The character designs fare the worst, some of the ugliest easily of any animated show (with heads too big for their bodies, which in themselves are ridiculously and jarringly out of proportion) and they just look rough and animated with little care. The music has very little memorable about it, it's loud lazy, and often over-obvious and not particularly well-placed (too random) complete with an instantly forgettable theme tune that annoys rather than charms.
One of the biggest problems is that it is not well written at all, that's being generous, and it is just not funny. It's very crude, random and weirdly absurdist, but also like those shows executes it very poorly, going well overboard with the toilet humour and childish-ness, often disgusting even, than funny. This viewer has no problem with this type of humour, but here it constantly felt lazy and like it was trying too hard, which made every obnoxiously cheesy and witless line of dialogue, puns that a vast majority of the time were so lazily obvious and lacking in taste it was groan-worthy and every increasingly predictable sight gag even more forced and contrived. It also depends whether any weirdness has a reason for being weird, but it came over very randomly more often than not and increasing in tastelessness.
Moreover, the target audience is constantly in question, because the constantly chaotic feel will see kids finding it too hard to take, and that it's embarrassingly juvenile and lacks any kind of edge or smart writing will irritate adults. The story lines, when they are ever distinguishable (the overload of childish and overly gross out humour too often completely override the story), are also heavy in contrivance, randomness and predictability and incredibly light in emotional resonance, fun or sense to the point all three are practically non-existent, with constantly uneven pacing, with some episodes in serious need of more breathing time and others feeling lazy as a result of the comic timing not being as sharp as it could have been. The characters are all extremely irritating and the voice acting is ear bleeding and like there was no effort being put into it.
Summing up, absolutely terrible. 1/10.
The lowest possible rating is a very rare rating for me these days, actually don't like giving it out, as somebody who tries to be as encouraging as possible and tries to see some good in the bad. Which has mostly not been an issue. There have been times where something is so awful to an offensive degree that it is impossible to do that. 'Almost Naked Animals' is one of those instances. Actually tried to see it when younger and hated it even then, back when this reviewer had a number of contrarian opinions, it's even worse through adult eyes.
First and foremost, the animation is at no time of appealing quality. There is no colour vibrancy, everything just looks flat and garish, editing is not tight enough and is often dizzying, the backgrounds lack imagination or smoothness, almost always looking static. The character designs fare the worst, some of the ugliest easily of any animated show (with heads too big for their bodies, which in themselves are ridiculously and jarringly out of proportion) and they just look rough and animated with little care. The music has very little memorable about it, it's loud lazy, and often over-obvious and not particularly well-placed (too random) complete with an instantly forgettable theme tune that annoys rather than charms.
One of the biggest problems is that it is not well written at all, that's being generous, and it is just not funny. It's very crude, random and weirdly absurdist, but also like those shows executes it very poorly, going well overboard with the toilet humour and childish-ness, often disgusting even, than funny. This viewer has no problem with this type of humour, but here it constantly felt lazy and like it was trying too hard, which made every obnoxiously cheesy and witless line of dialogue, puns that a vast majority of the time were so lazily obvious and lacking in taste it was groan-worthy and every increasingly predictable sight gag even more forced and contrived. It also depends whether any weirdness has a reason for being weird, but it came over very randomly more often than not and increasing in tastelessness.
Moreover, the target audience is constantly in question, because the constantly chaotic feel will see kids finding it too hard to take, and that it's embarrassingly juvenile and lacks any kind of edge or smart writing will irritate adults. The story lines, when they are ever distinguishable (the overload of childish and overly gross out humour too often completely override the story), are also heavy in contrivance, randomness and predictability and incredibly light in emotional resonance, fun or sense to the point all three are practically non-existent, with constantly uneven pacing, with some episodes in serious need of more breathing time and others feeling lazy as a result of the comic timing not being as sharp as it could have been. The characters are all extremely irritating and the voice acting is ear bleeding and like there was no effort being put into it.
Summing up, absolutely terrible. 1/10.