For A Film About A Deep Sea Python...The Snake- And Sea- Are Notably Absent From The Majority Of The Film.
25 October 2023
Deep Sea Python is the type of high concept, action-comedy-horror, trash you'd expect to go straight to a streaming service in the American market.

However, this is brought to us by China.

The whole thing is pure cheese...and doesn't take itself, at all, seriously.

But, as you can imagine...it's about a giant snake.

Or...so you'd think, at least.

Because not only is there an extreme lack of snake in the film...it doesn't necessarily even have any ties to the "deep sea", as suggested by the title, either.

To be fair...the opening does take place in the ocean.

However, the main crux of the storyline takes place on an island.

Where a group of corporately funded scientists have been tasked with tracking the thing down.

Although, we find ourselves following a group of young adults, who have set out to find the thing themselves.

Unwittingly succeeding where the scientist and his heavily armed goons have failed.

Unfortunately...the whole thing is really quite light on the action and horror...instead relying on low brow comedy, and some incredibly forced drama, for entertainment.

Luckily, it's relatively short (at approx 70 minutes).

So it doesn't force you to sit through a drawn out tale that leaves you wishing it was already over.

It isn't a very good film, though.

But it's not trying to be.

It's just a bit of mindless entertainment.

Although I can't help but wish there was more action and horror to it all.

Not to mention more snake...

Because, for a film about a giant snake...the giant snake is notably absent for a majority of the film.

And when it does come around...it's a rather underwhelming experience...that has nothing to do with the deep sea, whatsoever.

So...the title is confusing at best.

And the fact that the subtitles I had were poorly translated didn't help their cause, either.

To be frank...the whole thing was, more or less, a lost cause right from the beginning.

So, if you do make the unfortunate decision to indulge in it.

Please don't go into it expecting very much.

Because you are just setting yourself up for disappointment.

1.5 out of 10.
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