Review of Bihter

Bihter (2023)
The fourth wall is crying, but it's crying for me.
18 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, I didn't like Bihter; if you ask what was bad about her, I think all elements in the movie were mediocre or very bad.

Firstly, I didn't like the casting choices, not just the selection of Bihter (Farah Zeynep Abdullah), but everyone was generally very bad. I did like Boran Kuzum; he seemed to take his role seriously. Especially Adnan Bey (Osman Sonant) was a disaster.

While I liked the costume designs, some costumes were strangely unnecessary, and I couldn't understand why. The exaggeration was spread throughout the movie, ruining the script while attempting to parody. Merve Göntem added another failure to the list; I haven't seen such a poorly written Turkish work in a long time. Completely rewriting it from scratch would have been much better. And I'm not comparing it to "Ask-i Memnu" like everyone else; they are different, but "Ask-i Memnu" had excellent cast choices and, at least for a TV series, was above average. This, on the other hand, is a complete disaster in terms of the script.

I also don't understand the poorly executed art of breaking the fourth wall, a technique we've seen done well recently. How could they not imagine that it shouldn't be used throughout the entire film? I couldn't believe how artificial and poorly it was used; Farah Z. Abdullah tried to play as if improvising in those scenes, but it comes in so randomly that I thought it was written while drunk.

My final criticism is Bihter's character development. It displays an incredibly poor development, first due to the aforementioned disastrous script choices and second due to the excessive rush. I don't understand why they were in such a hurry. A musical fast-paced narrative, quickly passing scenes - these are very poor choices for this production and Bihter's character development. I truly couldn't understand the rush; after all, it's not an action or superhero film or franchise. They could have let us breathe by slowing down the pace; it's really bad.

In short, a fiasco for me without making comparisons. I was expecting a completely different portrait, not just good character development. Not recommended.
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