Bye Bye Barry (2023)
24 November 2023
If you are someone with any sense of empathy or care enough about respecting the sensibilities of others you will walk away with 2 things. One is understanding of why Mr. Sanders retired and respect for his reason. You will also get to know a bit about who he is and he is one of very few people in the world of fame that has known exactly who he was from a very early age - and honored it. He didn't try to become what is expected he didn't play football for the accolades. He remained true to himself throughout his career and personal life and so stayed a solid and good man. Anyone who watches this and gives it a low rating because they feel he didn't give the answer they wanted - they were not listening and are likely surrounded by people that feel they aren't being heard too.

Learning who Barry Sanders is as a human being is inspiring and a blessing. Excellent movie hearing from different perspectives and his Dad - wow. Just good stuff. Bravo William - you raised a real standup man. God bless them all.
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