The script was problematic
3 December 2023
The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster is not your typical Frankenstein movie, it's starring an almost all black cast and features the theme of growing up in the hood and the dangers that come with that. The actors deliver a solid job and we have some nice bloody gore, but on the other hand the movie suffers from plot holes and unrealistic scenes. Our protagonist somehow finds all the equipment to build a device to bring back people from the dead in an abandoned warehouse and also manages to steal some dead bodies for her to saw together for her monster. There are many other scenes that did not make sense and I think the script had too many problems. Also in the beginning there's a conflict with our protagonist and her teacher and the movie treats the teacher like she is the bad one, but it was the protagonist that kept interrupting and wouldn't listen and after dealing with the consequences her father got mad at the teacher telling her to teach even though that was what she was trying to do before the younger girl kept interrupting her disturbing the class. That immediately gave this movie a huge racial aspects that was unnecessary. With a slightly different script this movie could have turned out better but this way it's just forgettable and there are way better movies about bringing back people from the dead like Frankenstein did. [5,2/10]
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