Intimate Portrait (1990–2005)
Must have for your library
10 December 2023
Witches Episode aired Jun 1, 1999

The people on this program are familiar mainstream writers that have contributed heavily to the emergence or re-emergence of Wicca. The significance of the program is not the contents but to get a first-hand view of the writers (Z. Budapest, Laurie Cabot and Janet Farrar.)

Naturally with most biographical films, there is a spin placed on the subject matter to portray what they think will sell. Notice the green-faced witch in the Wizard of Oz is shown; they completely overlook Glenda to the good witch.

With all the hype and not many circumstances, you may get the feeling that this is not a "how-to" program. However, the essence is not rigid rituals but the philosophy and religion behind Wicca.

This is not a "be all. End all" program but a portrait.
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