Quality New Zealand drama
11 December 2023
A quality NZ-made drama set in the capital city of Wellington, on and around some of the coastline. It was great seeing the Wellington backdrop and trying to guess where it was.

I watched the six episodes over a couple of days after seeing social media comments about how good it is. I have to agree. I've just finished watching, and am missing it already.

I don't agree at all with the reviewer who said it's slow and boring. There were some phenomenal acting performances from several of the cast and the series has a suspenseful storyline, which keeps you guessing.

I didn't rate it higher due to the swearing and nudity. Come on scriptwriters, every second word doesn't need to be the F word just to show how hip you are. That's just lazy writing. And the female nudity felt OTT and unnecessary. Other than that, I really liked it.
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