Cenerentola (2011– )
Kept me engaged the whole 3 plus hours.
28 October 2023
Free on YT. I prefer period productions, especially English settings in the 1800s. This was set in 1950s Rome. I couldn't tell if it was dubbed in English or not. The lips seemed to always be in sync with the dialogue. In any case, the actors, especially the leads, were charismatic and likable. The scenery and cinematography was rich and interesting. I positively get bored by modern urban, gritty scenes set in NYC or LA. Why watch something visually boring that I can see anywhere by looking out my window or driving down the street. In any case, the story was a bit long winded, but I didn't mind since it held my interest. There are no mind blowing messages or wisdom to be bestowed. Just the standard boy meets dolled up girl and falls in lust. It must be stated that she was only 13 when her puppy love for her Prince began. Soulmates from the start. It wasn't clear if Aurora hadn't become wealthy in her own right, whether her privileged Prince would have chosen to marry her or not.
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