Goodbye Julia (2023)
Black and white thinking
6 November 2023
1. If this movie has taught me anything it would be to not generalize 2. Put yourself in shoes of others

I myself I'm northern sudanese and I lived with southern Sudan people and my whole life I hear from people that south sudanese are are dirty, ignorant, thieves even though this is not the case at all not all of them are like this they are millions so how can you just say all of them.

We had a guard who was southern and he was very respectful, good hearted, hygienic and smart man. He was actually an English teacher he only worked for us to find shelter since there was no opportunities for him he can't give private lessons schools don't hire themI remember I use to go sit with him while he is marking exam papers.

They are people they have families dreams ambitions goals just like you but people still discriminate against all of them just because some one did bad thing and all of sudden all of them are bad people, I believe that there is no way in the world to judge someone other than individually because unlike you think we don't live in tribes anymore many people don't even know their neighbors, unlike chimps they can form group larger than 250 because they can't communicate so they almost have similar habits and traits but this is not the case anymore. This is why we all should put ourselves in shoes of innocent southern Sudanese people who has nothing to do with other southern Sudanese people because they don't live together they have nothing to do with them imagine terrible your life would be if you were them and unfair.

So I recommend all of you read the book black and white thinking by author Kevin Dutton.
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