Loop Track (2023)
Finds a way to make the concept work
30 December 2023
Something this movie finally made me realise is that New Zealanders have entirely unique senses of humour. I probably should've realised it years before now, but this was the film that made me click. Almost every joke in this movie is something you would never see come out of a movie made in a different country.

'Loop Track' is a great example of doing everything you can with a concept. Squeezing every last drop out of the stone, if you will. In theory, the film has no business being as interesting for 90 minutes as it was. But because of the way it was done I found myself enjoying myself for the full run time.

I really had no idea where this movie was headed for the majority of the run time. And where it did head, I didn't mind ultimately. It went down a path and it committed to it was the important thing. For what this was I thought 'Loop Track' was a great effort in film making and great example of making a low-budget work to your advantage. 7/10.
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