Beautiful Love Story
2 January 2024
I came across My Happy Marriage anime on Netflix on New Year's Eve. I absolutely loved the story. I found out yesterday that there's a live action movie. I saw some clips online and was blown away by how the actors and their costumes brought the anime to life. The casting for Miyo, Kiyoka and Akata were all on point.

I love the movie. The actors who played Miyo & Kiyoka perfectly played their parts so well, and really brought these characters to life. They have great chemistry.

Though the anime gives more details about the story, the movie is able to portray more emotions. The movie showed the relationship of the main leads better because there are subtle facial expressions and tone of voice that can't be portrayed or captured by an anime.

I love the movie version of how Kiyoka had to make the tough decision to leave Miyo with her grandfather. Ren Maguro's expression and tone really tells you how Kiyoka felt at that moment. It broke my heart! It's one of my favourite scenes in the movie.

The anime shows more of how powerful they are with their gifts but the movie shows how they really felt for one another.

I would rewatch it again. Heck, I would watch a dozen seasons of the live action of it was a series.

I've watched this movie twice and I'm absolutely entranced by the main leads.

I highly recommend this movie!
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