I absolutely love this series. I own it and all of the rest of the lonesome Dove series and movies. Coincidentally, my friend Chip and I had taken a trip from Lake Tahoe through Glacier National Park for the Huckleberry festival, then across the Canadian line into Waterton Glacier Park in the autumn of 1995, which I later found out was the same time they were filming this series! We never went all the way to Calgary or the valley just west of it where it was being filmed. We went to the town of Banff, then drove up the icefield highway all the way to Prince George where we had a bite to eat. Then continued all the way to Prince Rupert, where we boarded the ferry that took us down the inland passage to Victoria Island, where we disembarked. I drove the entire length of the island to the port at Vancouver where we continued our trip back to Lake Tahoe. Anyway back to the actual review, I absolutely love this and everything else about the Lonesome Dove books by Larry McMurtry. I highly recommend anybody of any age to watch any and all of Larry McMurtries series and movies. There is no profanity to be worried about.