Don't waste your time
10 March 2024
We have watched a number of movies, this one is the first one we were compelled to send our review. We don't know what movie some of the reviewers (if even real) watched, but it can't be the same one we did. We didn't see authenticity in some of the wardrobe, language, sets. Plot - what plot? Thriller - not so much. Confusing - oh yeah. We felt the storyline was made as it was filmed. The names of many of the women were names that you here in the 20th century and not the 19th century. We thought the storyline started ok at the beginning but then gets lost in chaos and we had a hard time following why. We did not find it intriguing or we don't care to waste our time watching it again or seeing any sequels. Our game night group could only rate this 1/10.
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