Super Bowl LVIII (2024 TV Special)
Be like Jesus
13 February 2024
This Super Bowl admittedly didn't have the best commercials. Yes, that is statistically what most people watch the Super Bowl for. My favorite was probably the one showing the people washing the feet. I thought that was a commercial for some kind of shampoo, but instead it was about how Jesus loves us all. It's weird how that message can be anywhere. Here we have the San Francisco 49ers against the Kansas City Chiefs.

I used to live in Kansas, so naturally I was rooting for the KCC. They couldn't get in any points at first! They actually manage to get it down to a tie and went into overtime! They said this is the first time this has happened in 28 years! I assumed the winner would be the first one to score any points. Instead, the KCC got a touchdown and won!

I was so not seeing that happening! I don't even care about sports much, but this was amazing! This was a unique Super Bowl! I loved the cat commercials too. We got a cat saying "Mayo" and a cat dressed as a potato! I can understand better how sports games are important to many people. ****
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