It's a totally dead movie - filled with two-dimensional cardboard characters - where you don't feel any empathy or sympathy or hatred or love or any kind of feeling for any of them.
I would say this movie could take the cake for being the most boring Meera Jasmine movie I've ever seen. She plays a cold-hearted female who turns into a nice person - overnight - when she learns she has just a few weeks left to live. Why is she so cold in the first place - absolutely no idea - Meera doesn't know that - nor did the Director I guess. She learns she has cancer - and immediately starts writing cheques left and right - donating all her money to all and sundry. She is an architect but doesn't feel the necessity of getting a second opinion from a second specialist - especially when such a life-threatening diagnosis has been given!
There are other cardboard characters - as mentioned before - a woman who has no job other than walking about with her pet dog, an employee who is only interested in reels, and so on. Even the 'hero' is an idiot who has nothing to offer other than pining for her day in and day out!
Enough said already about such a silly movie. It's quite obviously a one-line story has been stretched into a movie!
I would say this movie could take the cake for being the most boring Meera Jasmine movie I've ever seen. She plays a cold-hearted female who turns into a nice person - overnight - when she learns she has just a few weeks left to live. Why is she so cold in the first place - absolutely no idea - Meera doesn't know that - nor did the Director I guess. She learns she has cancer - and immediately starts writing cheques left and right - donating all her money to all and sundry. She is an architect but doesn't feel the necessity of getting a second opinion from a second specialist - especially when such a life-threatening diagnosis has been given!
There are other cardboard characters - as mentioned before - a woman who has no job other than walking about with her pet dog, an employee who is only interested in reels, and so on. Even the 'hero' is an idiot who has nothing to offer other than pining for her day in and day out!
Enough said already about such a silly movie. It's quite obviously a one-line story has been stretched into a movie!