misleading, unethically deceptive depictions
22 April 2024
What a morally bankrupt show. Extremely dishonest, I couldn't believe this could actually be aired. They're showing these scenes of disaster and narrating them as if they ARE happening in the world at this moment in time, using the present-tense! I don't know if the show's writers perhaps didn't speak English as a first language. But it's incredibly unprofessional and sleazy to speak phrases like "tens of thousands have already died!" and showing a flood at Fenway Park in Boston, while narrating it as if it's breaking news. It's not. It's a hypothetical scenario. None of this imagery or narration is real. So phony, so misleading, it makes me sick to think something this dishonest could actually be produced.

Besides all the mass deception, we also see a bearded morbidly-obsese tattooed man with gaping holes in his ears cheerfully prattling on about these doomsday scenarios, also mistakenly using the present tense , as if these things have ALREADY happened! The crooked production company who staged this fake program "Flight 33 Produdctions" ought to be charged with false advertising and banned from the industry. This program "Doomsday: 10 Ways The World Will End" is an wildly exaggerated, grossly deceptive hoax of a program. Shame on the History Channel for sinking to such desperate unethical new depths of inaccuracy.
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