Serena Harris is an escapee from a cult after testifying against the leader, Aleph, who gets put away for 30 years. They made a suicide pact after believing the world would end and that they would all "rise" in 5 days. Her brother and his wife welcome her back and allow her to stay in a guest house where she puts up little hanging triangle sticks for protection against the Builders of Ascension cult who send one of its members named Laurel to her and ask her to groom the daughter of the couple who is interested in the cult. Once the mother finds out about what she's up to, she gets very protective of the daughter and watches Serena's every move but is she just overreacting? The husband thinks so since he paints her sister as a victim in the movie. This movie reminds me a little of the NVIVM cult with a little Blair Witch thrown in but way over the top. Skip it!