uncaring mannor Of police officers.
14 May 2024
The way the world is today I'm surprised that this movie did not want to put a positive note on police work. To have a captain and a partner fight against an investigation that, whether or not it was a murder, should've been further investigated just to assure that it was not. Rather than just assuming that it was not and leaving someone out there brutalizing and killing women. That shows poor taste. The very least The captain, a woman, should have definitely supported the female police officer regarding making sure no other women can get hurt. But to side with the guy who flippantly is deciding sear isn't necessary, it's poor taste. Women have it hard enough out there in the world today, brutality is far to prevalent. To make light of it it's right at the core of the problem. Obviously nobody taking part in this movie has ever known a woman to be a victim? I would just hope that further we care just a little bit more about making sure we're not wrong instead of making sure we're not right .
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