Black Pumpkin (2018)
Cheesy but worth it
19 May 2024
Take it for what it is: a low-budget Halloween-style horror movie. With an unevent script, too many loose ends, story lines that lead nowhere, and dialogue that much of the time does little to help the actors.

But you know what? I give it a lot of points for making the best of its budget, for the obvious love of the genre and the 80s' horror,. And for Pork Chop who is definitely an 80s throwback and does some pretty good acting as well.

It won't win any Oscars, but I enjoyed watching it for what it is, not for what it isn't. And for that, it is above average.

I don't know if I was looking too hard for references to 80s horror, but I found quite a few. I just hope they were intentional and not me reading too much into it.
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