35 yr old Princess has to grow up
19 May 2024
This movie is playing right now and so this review is fresh. Lexi (Alexia)is the only child of the King and Queen of (insert fake European country) has been living in New York (actually Ontario made to look like New York - but we aren't supposed to know this and so are pretending it's NY). Her parents arrive to announce she must return to fake European country and be ready to take on the role she was born into. Of course this does not sit well with Lexi, who can't even be bothered to dress up to meet her parents for lunch in a 5 star hotel wearing her denim jumpsuit with zipper in front. Lexi presents herself as an artsy-fartsy type who owns her own gallery/shop complete with poor manners. Her room-mate Chrissie (played by AnnaMaria Demara) is extremely annoying and acts far too overprotective of Lexi, like a jealous girlfriend, rather than a roommate. Also she needs a job since she quit her last one, but shows up at her first prospect in the ritzy 5 star hotel poorly dressed (a denim blazer - really?) and then has the nerve to ask if the apples (put out for hotel guests) are free, because she skipped breakfast. Not a great interview impression. She also fails at all her other interviews because she is too rude. She even disses a Fred Astaire and Gingee Rogers movie, complaining that it is too old fashioned (ummm...really? I'm no rocket scientist, but maybe the fact that it was produced in the 1940's might have something to do with it) Both these women are supposedly in their mid-thirties but act like immature twenty-year old college grads. The acting is really bad in this one, especially the one single reporter, who discovers Lexi's true identity and gets in her face but is blocked by Noah (played by Ryan Bruce) who is Lexi's bodyguard. Anyway fast forward to the end because the movie is all too predictable. Princess Lexi and the Bodyguard start falling for each other even as her parents (the King and Queen of the fake European country) are trying to set her up with bachelors of the upper crust - but Lexi finds herself becoming more and more attracted to her bodyguard. They have the usual misunderstanding and then of course profess their love for each other at the end and everyone is happy - even the jobless mooch of a roommate gets a job as some sort of royal lacky, which is strange since she absolutely detests royals in any shape or form, and even freaks out when she finds out Lexi is a Princess.
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