A lovely drama romance interlaced for a brief summer time. The story is engagingly simple, the acting good overall and very good for Andrea Bang who played with tremendous charisma and showed awesome chemistry with Robbie Amell who seemed lost by that powerful romantic force and connection.
Definitely deserves the next installment 'Float - surfing under the sun'.
Definitely deserves the next installment 'Float - surfing under the sun'.
- Screenplay/storyline/plots: 5
- Production value/impact: 5
- Development: 6.5
- Realism: 5
- Entertainment: 6.5
- Acting: 7
- Filming/photography/cinematography: 7
- VFX: 6.5
- Music/score/sound: 6.5
- Depth: 5.5
- Logic: 4.5
- Flow: 5.5
- Drama/romance: 5
- Ending: 4.5.