Harry Hill has always been a fairly divisive comedian, his unique absurdist style has usually worked pretty well on me, especially on TV burp and his old channel 4 show. Although he's funny in half-hour slots, he doesn't seem to be capable of sustaining a feature-length film. The storyline is rather weak, involving Abu the hamster being taken on holiday to Blackpool (although they ended up in Blackpole at first) for his supposedly final week alive, but Harry's brother sends his henchmen to capture him. The acting is okay but not particularly good. The songs are fine too though not particularly funny. Harry often breaks the fourth wall to let the audience know about safety regulations etc, this was funny the first time but got irritating as he did it every 5 minutes seemingly.
It's certainly unique and while not horrible it wasn't really a bundle of fun either.
It's certainly unique and while not horrible it wasn't really a bundle of fun either.