"Regrettably, this film's attempt to tackle the concept of the afterlife falls woefully short of coherence and respect. While it does manage to sidestep boredom with its narrative, the portrayal of paradise is cringe-inducing, disconnected from any known theological or spiritual understanding. Several reviewers echo this sentiment, noting the film's egregious departure from reality in its depiction of divine realms.
Adding insult to injury, the film brazenly ventures into blasphemous territory, trivializing and even ridiculing the notion of a higher power. Some friends expressed their dismay at the film's lack of reverence, with some calling it outright offensive and sacrilegious. Such a flagrant disregard for religious sensibilities leaves little room for appreciation, warranting the universally low rating of 1/10."
Adding insult to injury, the film brazenly ventures into blasphemous territory, trivializing and even ridiculing the notion of a higher power. Some friends expressed their dismay at the film's lack of reverence, with some calling it outright offensive and sacrilegious. Such a flagrant disregard for religious sensibilities leaves little room for appreciation, warranting the universally low rating of 1/10."