a modern day masterclass in navigating the nuance and subtlety of every day existentialism and sense of self.
22 June 2024
This is an excellent bit of filmmaking and a modern day masterclass in navigating the nuance and subtlety of every day existentialism and sense of self. The acting from the whole cast is absolutely incredible, with the central couple presenting charisma and chemistry very rarely seen. The pace and space with each interaction is beautifully authentic and you are deeply drawn into their worlds. The romance and escapism of the opening scenes are a solid anchor for the rest of the film to hang from, as their actual real selves and realities unfold and the audience can truly believe that there was something very special and unique between them when they first met. The vulnerability and fragility of the male lead has been so missed in most cinema and it's a breath of fresh air to see such a well rounded character portrayed. There are no villains only complex messy human beings dealing with the antagonism of modern life and the human condition. The film dealt with the tortured artist trope of the male lead and the serious mental health issues with the sister respectfully and without cliches again bringing a level realism and authenticity to these potential overemphatic plot lines. The lighting, cinematography, score, and edit were so intentional and carefully crafted that the film just flowed making the viewing experience feel effortless.

But most of all the charm and humour is what was so wonderful to watch. Thank you to Aylin Tezel for acting, directing and writing and the whole cast and crew for this beautiful modern love story.
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