Do yourself a favour- just take this at face value.
The second you start to think about how they've retconned the character of Davros or Russell T Davies's comments about how we can't show disabled people as being evil your head will explode.
Taken for what this is - a quick five minute special for Children in Need this is fine.
It explains the creation of the Daleks, it sets up the fact that the 14th Doctor is pretty much the 10th Doctor all over again, and it's all over before you can say "His name is Alonzo".
No, I'm not happy with the retconning, or much of what comes out of the mouth of Russell T Davies, but there we go.
It's fine on its own.
The second you start to think about how they've retconned the character of Davros or Russell T Davies's comments about how we can't show disabled people as being evil your head will explode.
Taken for what this is - a quick five minute special for Children in Need this is fine.
It explains the creation of the Daleks, it sets up the fact that the 14th Doctor is pretty much the 10th Doctor all over again, and it's all over before you can say "His name is Alonzo".
No, I'm not happy with the retconning, or much of what comes out of the mouth of Russell T Davies, but there we go.
It's fine on its own.