not filmed near the fault line
1 July 2024
I am from this area, been her for 47 years, so here we go. First of all, its New MADrid, as in "mad," and not ma-drid. The Mississippi river is a muddy river, not clear. We all have slight to severe southern accents, and no part of this film was done anywhere near Sikeston, New Madrid, Marston, or Portageville, Missouri. Sorry, id give this zero stars if possible. The fact that you can predict an earthquake is preposterous on its face anyway, much less a local agency carrying around warheads to stave off an earthquake. I know its a small budget film, but it was horribly done. There is a longing for many not only in our area, but all over the United States for a movie that can give a good history and a real look at what another 8-10.0 earthquake would look like here.
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