People Race..To Destinations..
28 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's quite a simple formula. Give people a limited budget to head to a 'checkpoint' and beat their competition. They have to travel in groups of two and are often related.

The strategy does't really change. It's got a LOT of editing. Lots of long tracking shots so it is heavily produced for TV theatre and effects.

There's a lot of clever usage of light to keep people guessing of when people arrive at a destination. Contestents have the opportunity to work at places to recouperate travelling costs as well.

It's very easy evening TV and somewhat entertaining but not totally convinving. 18 hour bus journeys are heavily edited. Lots of sequences seem done for effect. There's a narrative from attendences in the challenges and it's so repeitive and dull.

Yes we know what they're doing and we know the situation please don't tell us again. Then the 'we can beat this team because of this' attitude. Please just focus on the entertainment.

It's beautifully shot and the camera team do an excellent job. It's nice seeing far-flung locations as well but it could be done better. Nothing can beat Michael Palin for travelling it seems.
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