Painful to Watch
11 June 2024
This film essentially begins with a young mother of four children by the name of "Kelly Jo Knight" (Jamie Morgan) buying a house in Amityville and then stopping off at a yard sale not too far away. Recognizing what she considers to be a good bargain when she sees it, she then proceeds to buy almost all of the merchandise the woman in the yard is selling. What she doesn't realize, however, is that the merchandise being sold came from within the haunted house there in Amityville--and one particular item is possessed by an evil spirit from there. To that effect, not long afterward, she picks up a butcher knife inside her kitchen and brutally murders all of her children. The scene then shifts to several months later with Kelly Jo being sent to a special island where she and another prison inmate known simply as "Renata" (Danielle Donahue) being sent to a secret medical facility where they are to be used as test subjects for scientific research. The problem, however, is that the evil spirit still resides in Kelly Jo and it has a habit of temporarily leaving its new host to kill people around her. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was the third film directed by Mark Polania which incorporated the Amityville mystique-the first one being "Amityville Death House" in 2015 and then "Amityville Exorcism" in 2017. Quite frankly, neither one of these were any good--and this particular movie was even worse. The acting was bad, several subplots neglected critical information and the special effects were downright laughable. In short, this film was just plain awful, and I have rated it accordingly.
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