Milk & Serial (2024)
20 August 2024
Fun. Original yet Inspired(Patrick Brice's Duplas Creep and the Winter's Deadstream come to mind). Creepy. Disturbing. Found footage takes on an extra creepy aesthetic watching it from a YouTube channel. But that's what Curry Barker and his team at That's a Bad Idea YouTube channel create in Milk & Serial. This terrifying story gets under your skin. If you aren't checking out Horror from filmmakers/creators of YouTube, and TikTok or other digital short form streaming platforms, you're missing out on some really original and sometimes very spooky new and exciting filmmakers; and you're not appreciating how the art form is and has been evolving, especially since the dawn of YouTube. Scorsese said it best "my hopes are such that with the new technology and the new generations and younger people seeing the world in a different way, that cinema will evolve itself into a new form," when filmmaking is at your fingertips, who's to stop you from creating your own movie. Let's hope Barker gets a movie deal like the minds behind Talk to Me- but then again, it being on YouTube made it even scarier for this audience member.
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