Bad Newz (2024)
Worst movie ever
21 July 2024
Watching "Bad Newz" was a total disappointment and a complete waste of both money and time. This third-class movie failed to deliver on every front. The plot was poorly constructed, filled with clichés and predictable twists that made it unbearable. The story writer did an awful job, creating a narrative that lacked depth and coherence. The characters were underdeveloped, and the dialogue was cringeworthy. Overall, "Bad Newz" is the worst movie I have ever seen, and I strongly advise against watching it.

The story was horrendously bad and made no sense at all. It was filled with plot holes, illogical sequences, and nonsensical twists that left me baffled and frustrated. The storyline lacked any form of creativity or originality, relying on tired clichés and uninspired tropes. It was as if the writer didn't care about crafting a coherent or engaging narrative.
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