This documentary is SO compelling!
27 July 2024
What an interesting story...Garland Jeffreys is an amazing musician who's written a lot of great songs in a lot of different genres. (Hell, Bruce Springsteen and a lot of other fantastic people say so in this documentary, so it must be true.)

So learning about Garland's life and music is really cool. But what elevates this doc to something more is the exploration it does into the question: What does it mean to be "successful"? How famous do you have to be, how rich do you have to be? Or is it possible to NOT achieve all your dreams and goals, and yet still be successful?

Yeah, that's a question that I think most of us can legitimately ask ourselves. And this doc shows us that success means a lot of different things. I left this thinking that Garland Jeffreys, despite not becoming a household name, was very much a success. He had a great career, wrote songs that mean a lot to a lot of people...and at the same time was able to be a loving dad to his daughter. THAT'S success.

So, in short...while I'd specifically recommend this doc to music lovers, I'd really recommend it to anyone, since the questions it asks are relevant to everyone.
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