Tom taking the blame was hard to swallow. He was basically a good guy whose only crime was an extramarital affair. The film unravels for me in a few places. First off Tom doesn't know his son killed his mistress until the end. Since dead people tell no tales and he had not seen the drone footage yet, why didn't he call the cops? There is a dead girl in his pool and he didn't do it and no proof she didn't just steal a free swim in his pool. When he does find out his son did it, why not let him face up to what he did? He would probably get off on an insanity plea for a crime of passion seeing his dad cheat, Tom himself could get the death penalty or life for something he didn't do. And lastly the original plan was to frame the girl's husband, who he still thinks may have been beating her, because she told him so. We never see him again after he unties himself. So that is yet another loose end.