Do not tell anyone combination of comedy and drama. Young creative team used modern means of communication young people whose world revolves around Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with a multitude of animation and visual effects. The main character is a seventeen-year-Helena Juric (Mia Anocic Valentic) who wants to study at FAMI and captures a blog that would send for entrance. She is convinced that since Woody Allen, but grew up on "aesthetics" Croatian soap operas and "Dramatic Series". All the schools are, of course, social networking craze and, it seems, and gossip via social networks. Satanic tandem in the form of premature evil embodied Sara Duvnjak (Brigita) and Tena Nemet Branko (IVA). Katarina Strahinic plays nerd Adele, who still experiencing a boom. This obviously Iva out of shape, can not believe his eyes, while all the others turn to Adel, sexy little.
—Mrki Stevo