This gripping and wrenching thriller tells the story of Ilan Halimi who was kidnapped for ransom in a Paris suburb. His captors, who dub themselves The Gang of Barbarians, operate under the ... Read allThis gripping and wrenching thriller tells the story of Ilan Halimi who was kidnapped for ransom in a Paris suburb. His captors, who dub themselves The Gang of Barbarians, operate under the assumption that his Jewish heritage means he is worth a lot of money. Taking the audience ... Read allThis gripping and wrenching thriller tells the story of Ilan Halimi who was kidnapped for ransom in a Paris suburb. His captors, who dub themselves The Gang of Barbarians, operate under the assumption that his Jewish heritage means he is worth a lot of money. Taking the audience through the harrowing experience of the Halimi family and sharing a searing insight into I... Read all