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- How long is Massu Engira Masilamani?2 hours and 31 minutes
- When was Massu Engira Masilamani released?May 29, 2015
- What is the IMDb rating of Massu Engira Masilamani?5.9 out of 10
- Who stars in Massu Engira Masilamani?
- Who wrote Massu Engira Masilamani?
- Who directed Massu Engira Masilamani?
- Who was the composer for Massu Engira Masilamani?
- Who was the producer of Massu Engira Masilamani?
- Who was the executive producer of Massu Engira Masilamani?
- Who was the cinematographer for Massu Engira Masilamani?
- Who was the editor of Massu Engira Masilamani?
- Who are the characters in Massu Engira Masilamani?Maasilamani and Sakthi
- What is the plot of Massu Engira Masilamani?After a life-threatening accident, a man finds that he can communicate with the dead, and must decide whether to act on their advice.
- How much did Massu Engira Masilamani earn at the worldwide box office?$246,000
- What is Massu Engira Masilamani rated?Tous publics
- What genre is Massu Engira Masilamani?Action, Comedy, Comedy Drama, Drama, and Horror
- How many awards has Massu Engira Masilamani won?1 award
- How many awards has Massu Engira Masilamani been nominated for?1 nomination
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