Having been affiliated with this industry through a few cam performers with whom I've spoke to them about their life. The story is very typical and true to form. Even if it's made up the script researcher/ writers did good research. The acting was very plausible and the actress is being in the mid 20s added even more possibility to it. Found it refreshing from most of the dull movies that seem to repeat themselves on television. It's kind of like reality show with a mix of true comedy and realism. Somebody mentioned a lack of production and bad lighting on another comment. I'm like this is what you encounter for lighting if you've ever been to Iceland. They burn the cheapest lighting possible in most places because it takes a lot of energy production to keep the electrical generator gowing in a cold country. Also the smaller the home the cheaper the heating bill. Unless you're going to be living in a upper class mansion where somebody could afford it then this would be very typical. Kudos to Anna Hafthorsdóttir and Telma Jóhannesdóttir in great job.