8 January 2018
First Film of the year and first Film of Choice at The Plaza Dorchester Tonight - Pitch Perfect 3. So I hadn't seen the first two, I thought I better catch up, one mega acapella binge watching session later I'm fully caught up and ready for the third instalment. It didn't really matter much about the plot which was probably just as well, as long as the music entertained........and I reckon they didn't do too bad. This instalment sees the Bellas all grown up and beginning to make their way in the world, only it seems they can't make it without their acapella sisters. A little regret on parts of each of the girls makes them jump at the chance to take part in entertaining troops on the USO European tour. It's all the old crew with Beca and Fat Amy leading the way, add some competition in the form of a lean mean girl band, a rock/country group and put them slap bang among aircraft and helicopters on a selection of US naval bases and you have a fun light-hearted film which is guaranteed to keep your feet tapping throughout. Rebel Wilson is gloriously unfazed by all she says, sings and does and the whole film is once more led graciously by Anna Kendrick from disaster to singing magnificence as the film reaches its crescendo. You can almost keep your eyes closed throughout as the music is bouncy and easy to listen to, and ever so slightly leaves you wanting more. Aca-enjoyable.