- Rachel Joy Scott: I've always been drawn to hands. I think it's because it's the way that we touch people. Compassion is the greatest form of love that humans have to offer. I have this theory that if one person, can go out of their way to show compassion, it could start a chain reaction. How do you know that trust and beauty and compassion won't make the world a better place to be in? Tomorrow's not a promise... but it's a chance. You might just start a chain reaction. And what's behind all of this is my faith. I'm a Christian. And...
- [she chuckles]
- Rachel Joy Scott: I'm not trying to be weird, or convert anybody or anything like that. I just wanted to be real with you guys, and let you know who I am. Jesus gave his life for me, and I'll give my life to him. Just wanted to get that out there.
- Teacher: Thank you, Rachel.
- Rachel Joy Scott: Why do you hang around those guys? They're bullies. Is that what you want to be known for?
- Sean: Looks like you needed a better boyfriend.
- Rachel Joy Scott: He wasn't my boyfriend.
- Sean: Then you needed a better mentor.
- Rachel Joy Scott: You don't like me much, do you?
- Sean: [scoffs] People like you are just intolerant, self-righteous, hypocrites.
- Rachel Joy Scott: That's a pretty intolerant stereotype to put on millions of Christians.
- Sean: God's just some outdated cultural construct. How can you really believe in some being up in the sky that you can't even see?
- Rachel Joy Scott: Sometimes you have to see with your heart.
- Sean: [the high school student laughs] Is this when you try and convert me?
- Rachel Joy Scott: I'm not like that. I just want to live my life for Jesus and let people take whatever they want from that.
- Sean: That's cool. You sound more like a Buddhist then a Christian.
- Rachel Joy Scott: Maybe you should get to know one.
- Nathan Ballard: So, how's everything else going with you?
- Rachel Joy Scott: You know, being betrayed by your best friend sucks. But the worst part was that he didn't know I was a Christian.
- Rachel Joy Scott: Rach, you just got to be you.
- Rachel Joy Scott: I know. I wasn't being real. I'm not gonna let that happen again. Check this out.
- [she shows Nathan her diary]
- Nathan Ballard: Okay. So you're not gonna be a... beer-chuggin'. pot-trippin', cigar-puffin', drug dealin' Christian?
- Rachel Joy Scott: No, I'm a God-lovin'...
- Nathan Ballard: Huh?
- Rachel Joy Scott: Satan-slammin', Jeasus-freakin', world-changin' Christian. Warrior for Christ.
- Nathan Ballard: Oh, that's-that's tight.
- Rachel Joy Scott: Well, people aren't gonna accept us for our faith. But it's okay. We have to love and serve them anyways. And I'm talking compassion, forgiveness. I mean if we don't, what's gonna attract them to God?
- Young Rachel: [closing lines] These hands belong to Rachel Joy Scott...
- Rachel Joy Scott: ...and will someday touch millions of people's hearts.
- Rachel Joy Scott: See what I mean? Guys don't even see me.
- Madison: Hey, we're working on it. Have you talked to Alex yet?
- Rachel Joy Scott: No. But I have drama class with him sixth period.
- Madison: Good. This is the time to strike. You've got to stay on his radar.
- Gabby: Totally.
- Rachel Joy Scott: Okay. But I'm not going to be fake.
- Madison: Girl, you couldn't be fake if you tried.
- [she laughs]