One Monday morning Messy and Ruffles unanimously agreed they would rather go on an adventurous search for their lost magic cat Spotty than to boring school and fearful dentist Dr. DeCay. On ... Read allOne Monday morning Messy and Ruffles unanimously agreed they would rather go on an adventurous search for their lost magic cat Spotty than to boring school and fearful dentist Dr. DeCay. On zippity-zappity path through time and space, they come across a nerdy neighbor Smarty, a g... Read allOne Monday morning Messy and Ruffles unanimously agreed they would rather go on an adventurous search for their lost magic cat Spotty than to boring school and fearful dentist Dr. DeCay. On zippity-zappity path through time and space, they come across a nerdy neighbor Smarty, a great connoisseur of magic potions, who is brewing his newest potion according to an ancien... Read all