There was no plot. Ex. When the priest was tied up and then all the sudden was at the burning did he get there? Why was his daughter having the experiences she did? What did it have to do with the rest of the movie? What really happened to the horse that was supposedly killed? Why was there a cult and what did it have to do with anything? Literally the worst movie plot I've ever seen. The only good thing is that it was kinda creepy and the makeup and effects were done better than the whole entire movie plot line. I'm a huge fan of horror. I watch it enough that it doesn't really scare me anymore, so a good story line is needed to keep me interested. I woke up today pretty hung over and decided to give it a try. At first I was stoked that it was actually creeping me out. It's been a while. I love the scare effect. But then, I was just sad cuz the movie makes no sense. If the producers of this movie see this, please do it better. Cuz it has the potential to really scare the crap outta me.