This film is NOT worth wasting time over.
The three main actresses are decent enough at acting (pregnant woman, not so much) but the "actress" playing Cami is a very poor actor. There are some parts where she may as well be reading from a sheet of paper - it's actually possible to tell that she's misunderstood some of the punctuation in her lines by how she says them. There are some cringe-worthy moments when she plays angry, high or crazy.
The plot is simple and relatively uninteresting with highly unlikable characters. However, these characters didn't really need to be likable or fleshed-out, since the plot doesn't really go anywhere and the ending is neither climactic nor anti-climactic, it just kind of goes nowhere.
The multitude of other reviews giving 9/10 and 10/10 are interestingly all written around the same time (around 18th July 2017) and each reviewer created an account just to review this film. Clearly fake reviews. I wish IMDb would have someone check the reviews and delete these blatantly obvious fake reviews.